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School concept

We are a school where we learn to learn. By this we mean the acquisition of competences that enable lifelong learning. We work individualized, interdisciplinary, self-responsible and project-oriented.

We value interculturality. We meet each other with openness, respect and curiosity. The cultural diversity of the school community, transcultural projects and festivals promote the development of European thought and cosmopolitanism.

We maintain a democratic education. For us, that means participation in decision-making processes in everyday school life. For example, we use the class council, the class representative meeting, the student representatives, the student parliament and the student budget project.

We strive for an open and comprehensible communication of all those involved in the school community.

The transparency of information and participation in decision-making processes is an important development goal of our school community.

We promote and use the variety of expressive possibilities and inventiveness of our students on a linguistic, scientific, artistic-music and playful level.

We pay attention to healthy nutrition and treat this topic regularly in the classroom as well as in extracurricular learning places. In our school garden we grow fruit and vegetables and prepare it in the student kitchen.

Sport and exercise are important components of our everyday school life. We pay attention to the balance between sports, games and lessons. Sporting events accompany us through the whole school year.

Parents are indispensable partners in children's education, school development and school life in cooperation with teachers, educators and school management.

We take responsibility for our school as a living space by organizing, organizing and working together, by continuously networking lessons and complementary activities, and by providing opportunities for child development.

We work together both within the school community and with external partners such as the Charité, the Embassies, the Humboldt University, the Philipp Schaeffer Library, the Fanny Hensel Music School, the Prinzessinnengarten / Grün Schule, the Sportvereinen and many more ,

As the German-Portuguese State European School Berlin, the promotion of bilingualism is our main focus and shapes our school life. Both languages ​​are considered and lived equally. The knowledge and experience of bilingualism also benefits the rule classes.


Nächste Veranstaltungen:

07. 10. 2024 bis 18. 10. 2024


10. 10. 2024 - Uhr – Uhr