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The many sardines designed differently by children of the 4c stand for the diversity and the wealth of ideas at our school. 
We swim both with the current and against it!




Welcome to the website of the elementary school Neues Tor!




The Neues Tor Primary School is a two-form entry State European School German-Portuguese for all children who want to live and experience the German and Portuguese language and culture, and a single-form entry mainstream school for all children who live in our catchment area and welcome our school profile. It is located in the Mitte district (Alt-Mitte) in the immediate vicinity of the Charité hospital.


 We are an open all-day school in the regular school branch and a bound all-day school in the SESB branch. Since the school year 2008/09, we have been cooperating with the „technischen Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungsgesellschaft“ (tjfbg gGmbH) in this context.


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